In Talk With Dylan Hofman, Author of ''This is Our Love'' 

In Talk With Dylan Hofman, Author of ''This is Our Love'' 

IBY AKHILA SAROHA (India's Top 10  Book Reviewer)  

We had a candid conversation with the debuting author, Dylan Hofman. He shared interesting facts about his book, "This is Our Love" which is in an unconventional style. Let's find out what he says:

1. Akhila Saroha: If you were to describe your book “This is Our Love” in a few words without giving any spoilers, what would those words be?

Dylan Hofman: The book is a cry for connection and love for one another. Connection, peace, and love for you and for me.

2. Akhila Saroha: What advice would you give to budding writers who may be planning to write in the same genre as “This is Our Love”?

Dylan Hofman: Follow your intuition and read or watch "So You Want to Be a Writer?" by Charles Bukowski.

3. Akhila Saroha: Do you think you have conveyed all you had in mind through “This is Our Love” or do you feel that there is more to come from your pen on the same subject that the book explores? How much research/revisions it took to write the book before you approved the final draft?

Dylan Hofman: I believe that there is much more to come, and I will continue to write throughout my life. This book is certainly not my last. I ended up rewriting it three times. I will continue to spread the message that "disapproving of or seeking to 'cure' homosexual youth leads to psychological issues.

4. Akhila Saroha: The book may become a sensation in the long run. How is the audience responding to the book? Is it close to the expected response?

Dylan Hofman: So far, I have received mainly positive feedback on my books. The book is written with love, as a gesture towards connection and love between individuals. It raises the question of the ethical aspects of certain beliefs and ideologies.

5. Akhila Saroha: The book contains scenes that would make the readers emotional too. How did you manage to infuse them with emotions that still keep the text in the natural mode?

Dylan Hofman: I have learned that emotions are valid and should be acknowledged. The emotions of my readers are also allowed to exist. Ultimately, there is one clear message in the book, and that is about love and connection. Because the book was written with the heart, I believe it has taken this form.

6. Akhila Saroha: How would you describe your literary endeavours and all that went into your making as a writer before “This is Our Love” materialized?

Dylan Hofman: Because I began writing my books during a psychosis or spiritual experience, it was mainly confusing, challenging, and difficult for me. The books I write are honest and sincere, but it demands a lot from me as an individual. I am a sensitive person driven by emotions.

7. Akhila Saroha: There are so many unique perspectives in “This is Our Love.” What was the most challenging thing about writing such complexity in a simpler version?

Dylan Hofman: I believe that the section about my feelings and my presence at Auschwitz concentration camp was a challenging part to write. In Poland, there are LGBTQ+ free zones, and although this cannot be compared to the horrors of Auschwitz, I cannot comprehend how, in the year 2023, there are still people who have established these free zones with the memory of Auschwitz in mind.

8. Akhila Saroha: Even though “This is Our Love” comes from a personal experience with a personal touch, it still keeps you, as the narrator, uninvolved with the text. How, as a writer, did you keep that detachment?

Dylan Hofman: I describe the book from a third-person perspective, creating the illusion that I am personally experiencing everything. It is an autobiography written from a helicopter view, providing an overview of the events.

9. Akhila Saroha: “This is Our Love” is an attractive, easy-to-remember, and catchy title. How did you come up with it?

Dylan Hofman: I came up with the title in a moment of inspiration. When I proposed it to a friend, they found it very fitting, and that's why I decided to choose it.

10. I hope that the book breaks records and reaches more readers. I wish you luck with the book.

Dylan Hofman: You're welcome! I appreciate your kind words.

Knowing you as an Author:

Dylan Hofman: Since a young age, I had always wanted to write books. For years, my chapters remained stored away somewhere in a closet. It was during a psychosis or spiritual experience that I began writing my books, and ever since then, everything seems to flow effortlessly.

Dylan Hofman: I enjoy drawing with charcoal. This passion is also reflected in my book, "This is Our Love." Additionally, I cherish the company of my friends and family, and I strive to do good in life

Dylan Hofman: I have learned a lot from the books written by Professor Dick Swaab. These are scientific books. Additionally, I appreciate the poetry and music of Lana Del Rey. Currently, I am reading a book by Oscar Wilde titled "The Happy Prince."

Dylan Hofman: I cherish my friends. I prefer listening to music all day long, and I have a passion for education. Additionally, I thoroughly enjoy going out for a meal accompanied by a good bottle of wine.

Dylan Hofman: Painful..

Dylan Hofman: I hope for an increase in openness, freedom, and connection. Unfortunately, I also have concerns about the rising conservatism.

Dylan Hofman: I write only when I feel good, when I am truly ready. I don't make plans for it.

Dylan Hofman: Writing should not be forced. When the time is right, everything will flow naturally.

Dylan Hofman: In my world, anything is allowed as long as it does not intentionally harm others. I also find that the rules surrounding language can be too strict at times. It's okay for things to be a bit playful.

Dylan Hofman: Follow your heart and do good. When you do so, goodness will always come back to you.

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