We don't talk much about how great we are at what we do but our clients are too loud!

          Thanks Akhila first of all for choosing my book and next the wonderfully crafted review. There is a reason why you are one of the best reviewers in the country.

- Manish Kumar, Author of "My Comeback Trail"        


          Akhila is surely one among the best reviewers I have come across via Instagram. I got a chance to know her personally and professionally in this journey. I am glad to say that she is supportive of debut authors. I will always be thankful to her for being supportive & collaborating with me in this journey of book promotions. Invest in book promotions with her, it'll be worth it!

- Janvee Menghrajani, Author of "Trust your Instincts"


     I have had the pleasure of working with Akhila as my go-to writer for all my website content needs. Akhila consistently delivers high-quality, well-researched, and engaging content that communicates our message to our target audience. Akhila is a skilled wordsmith with a keen eye for detail and is able to adapt their writing style to match the gaadihub.com voice.-

 Ranjan, Founder of Gaadihub.com


     This is to certify that Akhila Saroha has been rendering her services as a DIRECTOR OF CONTENT for our companies Inkerspress & Criticspace since 2019. Your dedication and hard work have left everyone in utter amazement in the company, and here I take this moment to convey my heartiest wishes and best of luck to you for everything you have done so far.

- Aashi Dewangan, Founder and CEO of Inkerspress


     The Unquoter has read and reviewed all four of my books, and each review was provided in a timely and professional manner. They were all in-depth and highly astute reports.  She has also posted her reviews very widely which has been very helpful for me, and she conducted a written interview which she published in the literature times, which was most impressive. I would thoroughly recommend her to all other authors.

- Bruno Beaches, Author of "Till Death We Do Part," "Till Death We Do Part Too;" "Scrabble Babble Rabble," "2034"


      You have been working with SOPify for almost 6 months now, and its about time that we show our appreciation for your exceptional work. Starting as a content writer, you have been quickly promoted to Head of content, where you manage a team of 15 writers and also take ensure that the quality is up to the mark for them. Apart from ensuring quality, you have also trained many new writers. We commend your efforts and for that you have been selected as Star Writer of the month. Congratulations, and keep up the great work.

- Aniket Shah, Founder of Sopify



 This is a statement of appreciation for your blogs on our website. Our crew appreciates your ingenuity in article authoring and enjoys working with you. You have been truthful, diligent, and prompt in your work, which allows us to give the finest services to our clients

.- Himanshu G, Founder and CEO of Astitva Prakashan


      Hope you are doing well. Our entire crew appreciates your ongoing contributions to the book reviews and author interviews. Our clients are responding positively, which is assisting us in expanding. You have been dedicated to your assigned task for the previous three years, and we appreciate that. Best Wishes!

- Vikram Singh Thakur, Director, Evincepub Publishing


       Hope everything is amazing at your end. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the continued contributions you are making toward expanding our platform. Since the beginning of our endeavour, you have played an essential part, and throughout the years, the commitment and precision with which you have carried out your work have been of great assistance to us. In addition to being an expert in your profession, you are honest and sincere in the way that you go about your work. We hope that we can continue to develop our relationship with you in the same productive manner, and we look forward to doing so. Best wishes!

- Vikas Thakur, Founder of The Literature Times


"Akhila is an avid reader, and from my observations following interaction with her, she has a deep sense of understanding about literary work. She observes the plot, storyline, characters and events very closely and gets into the book reading dedicatedly, even making notes as she strolls through the chapters. I had a delightful experience while receiving an honest and genuine review of my book " Dvaitam - The Rise of Asura" and I appreciate her professional approach. Her feedback gave me some good directions for the second part of this book series. I wish her best of luck in all her endeavors."     

- Uttam Dutta, Author of "Dvaitam- The Rise of Asura"


 प्रिय अखिला जी,

      सबसे पहले तो बताना चाहूँगा जब मेरी किताब पर आपकी समीक्षा की लिंक मुझे प्राप्त हुईं तो उस वक़्त मैं बाहर था, उसे देखकर मैं इतना उत्सुक हुआ कि घर पहुँचकर सबसे पहला काम--आपकी समीक्षा पढूँगा--यह तय कर लिया था।

     मेरी बेसब्री इतनी बढ़ी कि गाडी चलाते वक़्त मैं उसी दौरान आपकी समीक्षा पढ़ने की सोच रहा था और रास्तों को देखते वक़्त उन्हें कोस रहा था कि क्या कोई मुनासिफ ठिकाना है भी जहाँ बैठकर मैं सुकूँ से पढ़ सकूँ, और ऐसी प्रतिक्रिया दे सकूँ जो आपकी बहुमूल्य समीक्षा को न्याय दिला सके जिस तरह आपने मेरी किताब को अपनी समीक्षा में न्याय दिलाया है।

     ख़ैर, गाडी मैंने कहीं रोक ही ली। और इतने शोरगुल के बीच मैं ध्यान से आपकी समीक्षा पढ़ने लगा। वाक्य-दर-वाक्य मेरी मुस्कान खिलने लगी। भाई का मेसेज मिला कि वह घर आधे घंटे में पहुँच रहा है और घर की चाबी मेरे पास थी। जिस तरह उत्सुकतावश घर पहुँचने की परवाह ना करते हुए मैं वहाँ रूककर पढ़ने लगा था, अब घर वक़्त पर पहुँचने की परवाह ना करते हुए, अपनी ख़ुशी ज़ाहिर करने मैं आपको कॉल लगा बैठा। आपसे कॉल में बात करके यूँ लगा कि हमारे बीच बातें बरसों से होती आ रही हैं। मैं अपनी ख़ुशी इस तरह ज़ाहिर कर रहा था, जिस तरह दिलअज़ीज़ पकवानों को मुँह में भरकर चबाते हुए कोई बात करता हो और हमें उसकी बातें भले ही समझ नहीं आती, लेकिन इतना समझ आता है कि उसे पकवान बेहद पसंद आ रहे हैं। शुक्र है जिस तरह आपने मेरी किताब समझी उसी तरह मुझे समीक्षा कितनी पसंद आई यह बात भी समझी। हालाँकि मैं लिखता हूँ, पर उस वक़्त कॉल में मुझे शब्द नहीं मिल रहे थे। सोचा शब्द बटोर लूं और अगले दिन सुबह मोबाइल में सबसे पहला काम यही टेस्टीमोंयल लिखूं। मुद्दे तक आते-आते मुझे यह कहानी इसलिए कहनी पड़ी कि मैं आपको बता सकूँ कि मैं कितना उत्सुक था और अदीब ठहरा तो कहानिबाज़ी से बाज़ कहाँ आता।

         ज़ाहिर करना चाहूँगा कि आपने जिस हद तक मेरी कहानी को समझा है उसकी कोई हद तो मुझे फिलहाल नहीं दिख रही है। इतना कहना चाहूँगा कि आपकी समीक्षा मेरी सोच से काफ़ी करीब है। कहानी में छुपी भावनाओं को आपने जो अपने शब्दों में व्यक्त किया है उन्हें पढ़कर लगता है कि वे दिल से निकली बाते हैं जो हमेशा सच्ची होती हैं। आप सबसे पहले एक सच्ची पाठक हों, और यही गुण आपको एक सच्चा समीक्षक बनाता है। यूँ तो आप मुझे हुनरमंद समझती हों लेकिन आप भी अपने खेल की पक्की खिलाड़ी हों, ऐसा आपकी समीक्षाओं को पढ़कर लगता है। कुछ आम पाठक होते हैं, जिन्हें अंग्रेजी में mass readers कह सकते हैं और कुछ जानकार पाठक, जो कि class रीडर्स होते हैं। मैं आपको बताना चाहूँगा कि आप इन दोनों तरह के पाठकों की सोच रखती हों। तभी आप किताबी विश्लेषण बढियाँ कर पाती हों। यही गुण आपको एक बड़ा समीक्षक बनाता है, और सच्ची कहूँ तो इसके बावजूद भी आप ज़मीन से इतनी जुड़ी हुई हों कि मुझ जैसा नया लेखक भी आपके साथ सहज़ महसूस करता हैं। बातों के दौरान आपसे कई जानकारियाँ मिलीं जो मेरे आगे के लेखन में मुझे बेहद काम आएँगी।

        आशा है आप मुझ जैसे कई लेखकों का मार्गदर्शन करती रहें।

     धन्यवाद मेरी किताब को दिल से अपनाने के लिए और आपकी समीक्षा का एक-एक शब्द मेरे दिल के करीब रहेगा जिसे ज़िंदगीभर मैं संभाले रखूँगा।

- Mayur, Author of "Uparvale ki Laathi"


Akhila was one of the first book bloggers I reached out to , to help review my book 'Find your WhiteSpace' 

I found her reviews very lucid and detailed. She brought out the nuances which can only come when a reader has thoroughly read the book.

I wish her all the best

- Vikram A. Munshi, Author of "Find your WhiteSpace"


An insightful reviewer

  Akhila  Saroha reviewed my novel ‘Heart on a Platter’ recently. I was delighted to find that she had delved deep into the marrow of the narrative and appreciated what I myself had felt were the strongpoints of my writing. I take pleasure in making my writing evocative and graphic to the best of my ability. My experience is that most reviewers take these things for granted or hardly give a thought to it. They do not discriminate among writers based on the quality of the writing or the style. Akhila is a pleasant exception, I am glad to say. 

  Akhila has perceived well the message I was driving home i.e., the need for modern women to be courageous and take destiny into their own hands. The vicissitudes of life play with the characters of the protagonists and it is an irony of fate that the boldest woman becomes helpless faced with insurmountable odds life throws in her way. This is an aspect she has appreciated well.  She has also given  due credit to other positive aspects of the novel. She has thus proven herself to be a perceptive reader and reviewer.

I wish her the very best. 

- Dr. Eby Thomas Thachil, Author of "Heart on a Platter"


      As a content writer you did exactly what I frame for my audience, what I most appreciate is that you match our mindset of marketing. I always appreciate working with you

- SEO Expert Achal, Founder of RocketVolpe


        Thank you very much for your honest review of my book, which you did in collaboration with The Great Indian Book Tour. Appreciate also your time and efforts towards the creative work that accompanies the review write up. Best wishes!

- Ambalika, Author of "A Letter for Gigglepot"


Soft-spoken gently nudging towards the route unexplored. Establishing trust and encouraging potential. Akhila, truly appreciate your stance of drawing attention to the core storyline, yet not revealing the story plot. Thanks to "The Unquoter" who has truly made me proud of my creative endeavours.

- Sandhya S Borkar, Author of "Shree's Varah"