Make 2024 your year with "2024: Your Year of More" - book review

Make 2024 your year with "2024: Your Year of More"

BOOK REVIEWED BY AKHILA SAROHA (India's Top 10  Book Reviewer)  

New Year’s is a time when everyone is energetic to bid adieu to the year gone and embrace the coming year with new energy, resilience and determination to make things better or make themselves better in the following year. As it would be relatable, we are able to follow our targets for some time (or a few days) and then things begin to fade out. Our determination vanishes slowly, and we are back to our usual ways of the previous year. As we strive to find a way out and break this cycle, “2024: Your Year of More” by Noah William Smith offers a way out of this problem and gives valuable guidance to ensure that we are able to achieve our dreams without any lethargy or lack of focus. 

Smith takes an approach that is practically driven, born from experience and thorough in its application. This approach is designed through the author’s experience and interaction with his peers and his circle. Effective time utlization is a question that forms a major part of people’s conversations and this skill can also help people grow in their careers, therefore the book would have an appear that is universal, not limited to any generation or age group. “2024: Your Year of More” could be for any year and in any time it is read. 

The different exercises suggested by the author are aimed to not only give a direction to time utilization and goal focus but also to enjoy the journey of goal achievement. As per its design of being in the form of a workbook, it would not be wrong to infer that “2024: Your Year of More” would be less of a reading experience and more of a fun experience designed to keep the readers attentive and interested throughout. This approach of Smith becomes an effective USP of the book and ensures that it reaches a large reader base that would extend beyond regular readers. Simultaneously, the book is also a guide to adopting good habits that would make the reader a better version of what they were earlier. 

Moreover, the author shares personal anecdotes time and again. While they entertain the readers, they also bring across the author to be another person who is more or less going through situations much similar to the readers. This is one of the salient features that helps the readers understand that the author is not giving an idealistic approach. Instead, it is an approach born through his understanding of the situations in his life and his striving to find an effective solution to them. “2024: Your Year of More” does not come across merely as a set of rules designed to make people work to make 2024 their year, it is a lot more. In light of this, the book is recommended to all readers. Even if they may take it on a trial basis, they would find techniques that would be guides on their road to fulfilling their new year resolutions.

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